Sake, Rice Bran, for Skin Brightening
Sake is the traditional rice wine of Japan. It comes in several different varieties, and was first made at least 2,000 years ago. Since then, sake has played an important role in Japanese culture and history. From its origins as the “drink of the Gods” to its current status as one of the most popular drinks in the country, the benefits of rice bran and sake are many:
1. Skin whitening effect
The skin whitening ability of kojic acid in rice bran was discovered purely by chance. About thirty years ago, a scientist noticed that the hands of workers at a Japanese saké brewery looked beautiful and young. The kojic acid in sake decreases your skin’s ability to form the type of melanin found in age spots and freckles. A by-product of the fermentation process of sake, kojic acid is popular in cosmetics for skin whitening. Sakekasu, the residue from sake production, is popular for face mask use in Japan.
2. Helps prevent cancer
Japanese saké contains many components, including amino acids. Amino acids have many beneficial aspects for health because they activate brain function and strengthen the immune system. Amino acids may also help to prevent cancer as well. Saké kasu, the lees or by-product of pressing, also were found to activate the Natural Killer Cell. The Natural Killer Cell, a kind of lymphocyte known to kill only cancer cells.
3. Helps prevent cirrhosis
Many have falsely believed Japanese saké to be harmful to the liver. This is not true. If the function of the liver is getting weak, or if some amino acids are lacking, then it may be difficult to process protein. Saké’s amino acids can help to ensure good health.
4. Helps prevent arteriosclerosis
Cholesterol is necessary for maintaining proper health but can result in arteriosclerosis in excessive amounts. This well-known bad cholesterol can be counter-balanced with good cholesterol. Japanese saké has been shown to be effective in increasing good cholesterol levels and producing better blood flow.
5. Helps prevent angina pectoris or cardiac infarction
Moderate quantities of Japanese saké prevent angina pectoris or cardiac infarction because of sakés effectiveness in dissolving thrombi or increasing good cholesterol.
6. Helps prevent aging and senility
People who drink Japanese saké every day in moderation, can have better brain function than people who don’t drink at all. Peptide in Japanese saké is very effective in preventing forgetfulness.
7. Helps prevent osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a disease which makes bones brittle and susceptible to breakage. There is no specific medical treatment for Osteoporosis, but women can prevent it by use of certain female hormones. Japanese saké was found to increase these hormones in women if drunk in moderation (3-6 glasses per week.